Reglas de la clase de español
Conéctate usando una computadora o laptop.
Use a computer or a laptop to attend each class.
Silencia tu micrófono cuando no estés hablando.
Mute your microphone if you are not speaking.
Levanta la mano para pedir la palabra.
Raise your hand to speak.
Espera tu turno para hablar.
Wait for your turn to speak.
Pregunta cuando tengas una duda.
When in doubt, feel free to ask by following the instructions above.
Respeta a tus compañeros.
Be respectful of your classmates and other cultures.
Participa en clase.
Participate when the teacher calls your name.
Please, keep in mind that if you don't follow the rules, you might be banned from class.
And last but not least, our most important rule is to make mistakes. Yes! Make mistakes... They show you how much you have improved your Spanish.
Habla y... ¡comete errores!
Speak and... make a lot of mistakes! Because we learn from them.